Created by Brent Anderson, Notes on the 2D Shooter files, for your ease of use. //////////////////////////////// Tilesets //////////////////////////////// bridge.png 32x32 crater1.png 64x64 debree1.png 64x64 ground1.png 64x64 sometimes, the whole image is tile-able, but tiling individual bits can have varied results ground2.png 64x64 sometimes, the whole image is tile-able, but tiling individual bits can have varied results launchbay1.png 64x16 made to tile on top of rockface1 Lvl0.png shows weapon level nil Lvl1.png shows weapon level 1 Lvl2.png shows weapon level 2 Lvl3.png shows weapon level 3 road1.png 64x64 road1angle.png 64x64 road1destroy2.png 32x32 or 64x64 or a combination of the two road1destroy.png 32x32 or 64x64 or a combination of the two rockface1.png 256x128 ruinbuild1.png 32x32 ruinbuild2.png 32x32 ruinbuildfloor.png 32x32 ruinbuildgirder.png 32x32 ruinbuildroof1.png 32x32 made to tile on top of building ruin, but can be used for other things ruinbuildroof2.png 32x32 scorches1.png 64x64 smallplaceable1.png 32x32, 16x16 for tiny cars TA_repairbar.png show repair status to weapon TA_shieldbar_ammobar.png show ammo left for weapon TA_shieldbar_ammolab.png ammo label TA_shieldbar_back.png back of ammo/status bar TA_shieldbar_bar.png show shielding left TA_shieldbar_label.png shield label TA_shieldbar_left.png left decor TA_shieldbar_right.png right decor TA_warning.png warn player of death TA_weapon_chain0.png chaingun label TA_weapon_chain1.png chaingun label selected TA_weapon_shot0.png spread shot label TA_weapon_shot1.png spread shot label selected TA_weapon_swell0.png shield well label TA_weapon_swell1.png shield well label selected Tbomb.png it's a bomb TbombAMMO.png ammo icon for bombs wrench.png drawn over weapon icon to show active repair X.png drawn over damaged weapon to show non-useable //////////////////////////////// Animated //////////////////////////////// Player Ship draw order... TypeAp1_ltail > TypeAp1_rtail > TypeAp1_lwing > TypeAp1_rwing > TypeAp1_Fuse bullet_A_strip2.png 2 frames, 32x8 each Bullet_impact_A_strip5.png 5 frames, 26x26 Bullet_impact_B_strip5.png 5 frames, 26x26 Bullet_impact_C_strip6.png 6 frames, 26x17 Bullet_impact_D_strip6.png 6 frames, 27x17 Dfire_missle.png Electric_A_strip5.png 5 frames, 33x32 Explosion_A_strip7.png 7 frames, 32x32 Explosion_B1_strip6.png 6 frames, 32x32 Explosion_B2_strip6.png 6 frames, 32x32 Gore_impact_A_strip6.png 6 frames, 28x30 Gore_impact_B_strip6.png 6 frames, 28x30 Gore_impact_C_strip5.png 5 frames, 30x18 Gore_impact_D_strip5.png 5 frames, 30x18 H_seeker_strip2.png 2 frames, 20x6 each Horizon_explosion.png Mflash_A_strip4.png 4 frames, 32x24 propulsion_A_strip2.png 2 frames, 24x24 propulsion_B.png riverAbot_strip5.png 5 frames, 64x64 riverAtop_strip5.png 5 frames, 64x64 Shield_well_B_strip2.png 2 frames, 64x64 Shield_well_end_strip4.png 4 frames, 62x61 Shield_well_start_strip4.png 4 frames, 62x61 Shield_well_T_strip7.png 7 frames, 64x64 Shockwave_A.png Smoke_A_strip5.png 5 frames, 30x29 spike_fist_attack1_strip8.png 8 frames, 70x74 spike_fist_attack2_strip8.png 8 frames, 70x74 spike_fist_chunks_strip10.png 10 frames, 28x28 spike_fist_die_strip8.png 8 frames, 63x53 spike_fist_move_strip5.png 5 frames, 61x47 Splat_A_strip4.png 4 frames, 65x53 TA_shieldbar_drain_strip7.png 7 frames, 119x22 each TypeAp1_chunks_strip8.png 8 frames, 47x35 each TypeAp1_Fuse_strip11.png 11 frames, 65x36 each TypeAp1_ltail_strip11.png 11 frames, 21x18 each TypeAp1_lwing_strip11.png 11 frames, 30x35 each TypeAp1_rtail_strip11.png 11 frames, 21x18 each TypeAp1_rwing_strip11.png 11 frames, 30x35 each