Created by Brent Anderson, Notes on the Boss Worm files, for your ease of use. If you see something like "biteE" in the name, more specifically the capitol "E", that is directional, as in the character is biting east. s_bsswrm_barf_strip12.png 12 frames, 203x173 each, worm coughs up something s_bsswrm_biteE_strip5.png 5 frames, 192x163 each s_bsswrm_biteN_strip5.png 5 frames, 163x140 each s_bsswrm_biteS_strip5.png 5 frames, 182x143 each s_bsswrm_biteW_strip5.png 5 frames, 192x163 each s_bsswrm_drtpop_strip6.png 6 frames, 82x56 each, this is used to show the worm's movement under ground s_bsswrm_flopN.png for worm bouncing on hard surface s_bsswrm_flopS.png for worm bouncing on hard surface s_bsswrm_intro_strip16.png 16 frames, 153x166 each, when the worm first shows itself, I had it eating someone s_bsswrm_jumpE_strip4.png 4 frames, 201x120 each s_bsswrm_jumpN_strip4.png 4 frames, 143x108 each s_bsswrm_jumpS_strip4.png 4 frames, 143x119 each s_bsswrm_jumpW_strip4.png 4 frames, 201x120 each s_bsswrm_mpctNE_strip4.png 4 frames, 150x157 each, the "mpct" sprites serve several functions, impacting on a hard floor, and taking additional damage while laying on the floor s_bsswrm_mpctNW_strip4.png 4 frames, 150x157 each s_bsswrm_mpctSE_strip4.png 4 frames, 155x163 each s_bsswrm_mpctSW_strip4.png 4 frames, 155x163 each