Created by Brent Anderson, Notes about the Crapmunch files, for your ease of use. s_crapmunch_idle1_strip10.png -10 images, 90x81each, inactive idle s_crapmunch_idle2_strip6.png -6 images, 78x58 each, inactive idle s_crapmunch_idle_strip6.png -6 images, 98x76 each, active idle animation s_crapmunch_intro_strip17.png -17 images, 113x74 each, transition from inactive to active s_crapmunch_shovelpoo_strip10.png -10 images, 138x79 each, shoveling poo attack s_crapmunch_shovelswat_strip11.png -11 images, 147x96 each, shovel swat s_crapmunch_walk_strip8.png -8 images, 109x78 each, walking