All site content Copyright 2005 - 2014
Brent Anderson, except for stuff I didn't
make, that belongs to their respective
Brent Anderson here, thanks for stopping by. I've been employed lately, so I've been working on this
when I can. It's been 10 months since the last update if that tells you anything. It's still very much a
W.I.P., expect rough edges. Sound is practically non-existent, there's a ton of missing art, and
presentation is rough.
Next Up - I've got a big list of stuff that needs done, I think I'll be pecking away at some UI art.
System Reqs : Any modern Windows PC I imagine.
Updated : 5-30-2014, 35mb installer, (View Changelog)
Gameplay : Consult this file here >Controls Here< as well as the images below to get you started.